Free Fall (2015)
Music: Quentin Tolimieri

Watch a video excerpt here.
Free Fall is an evening length piece based on force as it applies to physicality, momentum, bodies in space and contact interactions. Themes explored include dynamic equilibrium, centripetal force, gravity, thrust, torque, drag and friction. 

The Location of Figures (2016​)
Music: Quentin Tolimieri, Lighting Design: Andrew Dickerson
Watch a video excerpt here.
The Location of Figures is inspired by conceptual artist Sol LeWitt. The piece reveals human relationships based on lines in space, as density, angles and structures continue to shift. Dancers move through the space as the floor is divided and subdivided. As intensity builds and more dancers occupy an increasingly smaller space, the work considers how relationships between the dancers shifts depending on continually changing spatial boundaries.

Drifting (2022)
Music: Quentin Tolimieri
Watch a video excerpt here.

Drifting is an evening-length interdisciplinary dance and music performance. This work will examine the connections between the body and its environment, and how sound contextualizes, differentiates, and reinforces these multifaceted relationships.

Movement + Sound
Created and performed by Jessica Gaynor and Quentin Tolimieri
Watch a video excerpt here.
This piece explores the new kinds of formal structures and developments that become accessible when engaging in an improvised practice, when the various metaphors (of architecture, of storytelling, of countless others) that are inescapably linked to composed forms are dispensed with, in favor of something more unconceptualizable, subconscious and elemental.

HERO (2012)
Music: Devin Maxwell
Watch a video excerpt here.
HERO explores the ideological heroism, physical prowess and secret identities of superheroes.

​The most prominent characteristic of Gaynor's work is an intense physicality: straight lines, flying leaps, powerful unisons, and lots and lots of running.
    -Theodora Boguszewski, The Dance Enthusiast

Intimate Gestures (2014)
Music: Devin Maxwell

Watch a video excerpt here.
Intimate Gestures draws our attention toward relationships and zeroes in on the individual. Gestures can be actions or courtesies. They can be unique and yet universal. The communication of a gesture of kindness, or that special body language between lovers, can be transformative for those witnessing it.

Habit (2017)
Music: Quentin Tolimieri
Watch a video excerpt here.
When does support become reliance? How eager are we to see our loved ones succeed? These questions are made physical in Habit, a work that explores co-dependency, support, sacrifice and cycles of competition.

I'm here (2017)
Music: Quentin Tolimieri
Watch a video excerpt here.
I’m here is driven by external voices placing demands on an individual who has become dependent on other people’s approval. Questions of independence, choice, and change are brought to the forefront in this aggressive attempt to rid oneself from external voices and choose to make decisions from within.

Pack (2019)
Music: Quentin Tolimieri
Watch a video excerpt here.

Pack is a work based on communal interactions and collective drive. The vision is of a cluster that begins as one, but reveals itself as individual bodies throughout the journey. Together the group forms a pack that is only as strong as its weakest link. The piece will explore systems of support and community building. The movers will assemble, cluster, collect, give space, and exert themselves physically and emotionally in order to form a stronger center.